Search Results for: content slider

25 Best jQuery Parallax Plugins

Parallax effects is a way to quickly and easily add flair to your web pages, giving your users an experience they weren’t expecting. Parallax effects can be defined as moving web elements in both ways …

25 Best jQuery Slideshow Plugins

Every day myriad of jQuery slideshow plugins have been introduced by jQuery developer community, which you can use for your websites easily. This article consists 25 Best jQuery Slideshow plugins which you want to use …
jquery filter and sort plugin

Best jQuery Filter and Sort Plugins

jQuery filter and sort plugins allow you to control large set of items which can be numbers, datasets, content, list and table etc. This article shows some of the best and top jQuery Filter and …

20 Best jQuery Form Validation Plugins

Forms data needed to be validated before accepting at backend so, it won’t cause any error during the process. Form validation is a real mess and demands lots of efforts and time. Fortunately we have …
jquery social sharing plugin

20 Best jQuery Social Sharing Plugins for 2020

jQuery Social Sharing plugins allow you to integrate social networks buttons on your websites so, users can share their favourite articles, videos, and images with their friends and followers. An attractive social media widget not …
jquery instagram plugin

10 Outstanding jQuery Instagram Plugins

Instagram is a popular and widely know social network which allows its users to share their videos and images witht their friends. In this article we have gatehered 10 Best jQuery Instagram plugins by which …