10 Useful Ways to Avoid Burnout at the Workplace

Firstly let’s see what burnout is.

“A state of fatigue or frustration brought about by devotion to cause, way of life, or relationship that failed to produce that expected reward.” – Herbert J. Freudenberger.

We know you love your place of work and you do love what you are doing. But after doing one thing continuously anyone could face burnouts.

It’s not shameful to experience burnout. In Japan, people who take little naps while working are perceived as more workaholic. Some people even fake it to show their seniors that they are completely devoted to work.

There are a couple of tricks that you can try to avoid such burnouts at the workplace.

Take an unplugged vacation

Getting a day off will always help you out. And do it with your loved ones. A good vacation can also change the way you see the world. After a completely unplugged vacation, you might not even feel the slightest burnout. Traveling can answer a lot of things in your life.

“A vacation is what you take when you can no longer take what you’ve been taking.” – Earl Wilson

Know your breaking point

A lot of entrepreneurs will say that it is impossible to be completely unplugged. In this case, you should know what is your breaking point. Though there are some warning signs before burnout. If you are having negative or critical attitude at work. Having seconds thoughts or even being absent a lot.

If you are experiencing any of such things, chances are you might experience a total burnout sooner or later. The best way to avoid it is to go for a nice bike ride. Try having a night out with friends. It can help you to avoid total burnouts.

Create a joyful environment at work

Even if you are an introvert, who doesn’t like to laugh? It is been proven by many studies that natural laugh reduces stress. Having a small laugh during work can take you far away from experiencing burnout. Every study conducted on laugh has shown very positive results. Try being more friendly with your co-workers, if you are able to create cheerful environment chances are you might not need any other tricks to avoid total breakdowns.

Make exercise a habit

The feeling of knowing that you have taken care of yourself and improved your energy will prevent the physical and emotional exhaustion. It might seem hard for some people to get out of the workplace and start an exercise. You can take a bicycle ride around the city or the best way would be working out early in the morning. Not much but if you are able to exercise for even 4 to 5 hours a week, it might boost your stamina and refresh your mind.

Learn to say no

Know your limits and stop doing work after you feel like you have been drained.. Nothing comes before your health. It’s easy to say yes if you have a go-getter mentality. But sometimes saying no is also important. Stick to the project that is most important to you.

Socialize a bit

Meet people outside of work. Try hanging out with people that are closer to you. Socializing with only your office friends and making work your entire life will detach you from those people with whom you normally go out with. Schedule your off days, keep yourself engaged with outdoor activities.

Everybody needs a hobby

Find a hobby in which you can immerse yourself deeply. Something that pleases you. Hobbies like basketball, swimming, and other physical activities can recharge your body and brain. But when you are on the field your work shouldn’t interrupt you. Hobbies can treat you in a restorative way.

Power naps

Feeling a little exhausted at the workplace is the norm. Get a power nap for 10-20 minutes and you will experience outstanding results. Power naps can help you to jump-start your productivity and alertness. It also prevents stress, boosts mood and creativity.

Schedule your free time

It doesn’t matter how tight scheduled your day is. If you are good at time management you can schedule out at least some time of your day for yourself. If you lack the skill of time management you can always get help from time management apps. Also, some employee time tracking software can also help you to schedule your working hours and get yourself a bit of free time.

Support your energy levels and mood

You may crave some time for sugary snacks and comfort foods like pasta and other fast foods. But what you put in your body can have a huge impact on your energy levels. Avoid food that can adversely affect your mood. Caffeine and other foods containing chemical preservatives are one of them.

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