Search Results for: order form

Top 13 jQuery News Ticker Plugins

jQuery news tickers are widely used by news, magazine, eCommerce and organisation websites. You can display tweets and feeds with the help of jQuery news ticker plugins. jQuery News Ticker Plugins allow you to display …

25 Best jQuery Slideshow Plugins

Every day myriad of jQuery slideshow plugins have been introduced by jQuery developer community, which you can use for your websites easily. This article consists 25 Best jQuery Slideshow plugins which you want to use …

JavaScript Text Effect Libraries for 2016

Text animations or effects in websites were so popular once Flash was used widely and now, simplistic, non-animated websites that put the content in front are the way to go. However, if used wisely, there …

20 Best jQuery Color Pickers

For every design, a web designer usually starts with a color and needs the variations of that color for hover, borders, gradients, etc. while designing/styling an element. If you want to add color picker interface …

30 Best jQuery Table Plugins for 2016

Creating tables from huge data is quite difficult thing until you have a tool or plugin which makes things easier for you. There are myriad of tools and plugins out there which can create tables …

30 Best jQuery Tooltip plugins for 2016

jQuery Tooltip plugins allow users to display information on your website, when a user hovers the mouse pointer on a particular area of a websites. This can be useful for displaying important information to users …