Search Results for: step by step

20 Best jQuery Form Validation Plugins

Forms data needed to be validated before accepting at backend so, it won’t cause any error during the process. Form validation is a real mess and demands lots of efforts and time. Fortunately we have …

15 Best jQuery Plugins for October 2017

Every month some nifty jQuery plugins are released. Finding a right one seems to be a difficult task, so sparing you from such situation, we have compiled a list of best jQuery plugins. Following jQuery …

Best jQuery Progress Bar Plugins

The most common use of jQuery progress bar plugin is to display level of completion of some kind of process, like loading, copying or installation, but it can also be used as a bar graph, …

12 Best jQuery Range Slider Plugins

jQuery Range sliders are very useful UI elements when it comes to selecting min-max values. They provide many features like support for single or double handles, custom starting values, vertical/horizontal orientation and the ability to …

25 Best jQuery Parallax Plugins

Parallax effects is a way to quickly and easily add flair to your web pages, giving your users an experience they weren’t expecting. Parallax effects can be defined as moving web elements in both ways …