Search Results for: transition

25 jQuery Scroll Plugins

Scrolling is a way to quickly and easily add flair to your web pages, giving your users an experience they weren’t expecting. A beautiful scroll effect not only grabs user attention but makes your website …

8 Best JavaScript Animation Engine

Web animation is a popular and trending topic amongst web developers, it was popular in early 90’s but then only few people had internet access, since then things have changed, there are myriad of animations …

Top 13 jQuery News Ticker Plugins

jQuery news tickers are widely used by news, magazine, eCommerce and organisation websites. You can display tweets and feeds with the help of jQuery news ticker plugins. jQuery News Ticker Plugins allow you to display …

10 Best JavaScript Touch Gesture Libraries

This article focuses on 10 Best JavaScript Touch Gesture Libraries which are very useful while working with touch events. These libraries handle touch events and offer myriad of functionalities to the users while using an …
jquery social sharing plugin

18 Facebook Style jQuery Plugins

Facebook is huge social media platform that helps people to connect each other. Facebook has more than 1.7 Billion active user worldwide. Facebook provides awesome functionality likes emoticons, chat interface, photo sharing, games, infinite scrolls …

25 Best jQuery Slideshow Plugins

Every day myriad of jQuery slideshow plugins have been introduced by jQuery developer community, which you can use for your websites easily. This article consists 25 Best jQuery Slideshow plugins which you want to use …

30 Best jQuery Tooltip plugins for 2016

jQuery Tooltip plugins allow users to display information on your website, when a user hovers the mouse pointer on a particular area of a websites. This can be useful for displaying important information to users …

Best jQuery Modal Window Plugins for 2016

Modal windows are one of the most commonly used user interface elements, and are used to command user awareness in order to communicate important information, or to alert of errors or warnings. With jQuery Modal …