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jquery whatsapp plugin

7 Best jQuery WhatsApp Chat Plugins

jQuery WhatsApp Chat plugins enable you to interact with your client quickly. These jQuery WhatsApp chat plugins allow your customers to send WhatsApp messages directly to your support team. In this article, we have gathered …
jquery social sharing plugin

20 Best jQuery Social Sharing Plugins for 2020

jQuery Social Sharing plugins allow you to integrate social networks buttons on your websites so, users can share their favourite articles, videos, and images with their friends and followers. An attractive social media widget not …
jquery calendar plugin

jQuery Calendar Plugins for 2020

jQuery calendar plugins allow you to integrate calendar interface for your websites, such interfaces are used for providing appointment, reservation, and prebooking features for websites. For this aricle we have handpicked some of the best …

Best jQuery Autocomplete Plugins for Developers

Query Auto-Complete plugin allows you to easily create autocomplete/autosuggest boxes for text input fields. When you do a search, your search engine suggests terms. When you type a new e-mail message, your mail client suggests …
jquery website tour plugin

12 jQuery Website Tour Plugins

jQuery website tour plugins enable you to display overall functioning of your website in elegant style. With the help of site tour jQuery plugins you can create website tours, step by step walkthroughs, interactive help, …

15 Best jQuery Selectbox Plugins

If you are bored with default and old html selectbox and want to change it to new one then the following jQuery selectbox plugins might help you out. These plugins are easy to use and …

12 Best jQuery Range Slider Plugins

jQuery Range sliders are very useful UI elements when it comes to selecting min-max values. They provide many features like support for single or double handles, custom starting values, vertical/horizontal orientation and the ability to …